In our ever-growing attempts to provide resources and materials to professionals and parents, the Spiral Foundation has partnered with Amazon to bring you our NEW! A-Store. In our A-store/ Book Club you will find recommended reading for parents, professionals and children. By purchasing your books…paper or Kindle versions alike!…through our store, you not only get a great recommendation, but also help support research and education activities in sensory integration. So make us your first stop for your sensory-related resources!
Today for professionals we would like to highlight two wonderful MUST HAVE resources by Dr. A. Jean Ayres. If you want to know more about praxis pick these up today! Click on the pictures to go to our store.
Ayres Dyspraxia Monograph
This monograph is THE resource on beginning to understand the complexities of praxis. This updated version includes bonus information by praxis expert, occupational therapist, Dr. Sharon Cermak as well as a new extensive bibliography of praxis references.
The Adaptive Response
This classic DVD is the only resource from Dr. Ayres fully explaining adaptive responses in sensory integration intervention and detailing the various levels of adaptive response. This resource is a MUST HAVE for every therapist practicing in the area of sensory integration or mentoring other therapists or students in sensory integration.
Happy reading and viewing and watch this blog as well as our Facebook page for more great resources.