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Speaker’s Bureau

The Spiral Foundation offers educational workshops to schools, professional offices, clinics, parent organizations and other community groups.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Sensory Processing Overview
  • Speech and Language Development
  • Sensory Integration and Oral Motor Difficulties
  • Organization and Activity Transitions
  • Sensory Integration and Autism
  • Strategies to Support Executive Function
  • Trauma, Attachment, and Sensory Processing Disorder
  • Working with Adults with Sensory Processing Disorder
  • Evidence-Based Practice of Sensory Integration
  • Understanding Sound Therapy Programs

In-Service Request

Prices range based on presentation and travel time required by our speakers. Typical one to two hour in-services start at $200 an hour, plus travel time.

If you are interested in having the Spiral Foundation do a workshop for your clinic or school please complete the following form:

Topic of Interest

The Spiral Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and as such your donation is tax deductible.