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Sensory Integration and Inclusion: Providing Sensory-Friendly School-Based Supports for Students with Sensory Processing Disorder


This webinar will discuss the role of the occupational therapist in the school-based setting, address models of service provision for sensory integration-based services, and will provide strategies for addressing the sensory processing and praxis needs of children with sensory processing disorder within an inclusion model.


Presented by: Jan Hollenbeck, OTD, OTR/L
originally recorded July 14, 2016

Webinars are video presentations and include the recorded PowerPoint and lecture and a .pdf copy of the PowerPoint notes.

Description: Sensory integration and processing problems impact all aspects of a child’s life including the ability to engage and participate in school-related activities. Although sensory integration is identified as one of the most frequently used practice frameworks by school-based occupational therapists, they are often challenged to provide sensory integration-based intervention in inclusive school settings. This webinar will discuss the role of the occupational therapist in the school-based setting, address models of service provision for sensory integration-based services, and will provide strategies for addressing the sensory processing and praxis needs of children with sensory processing disorder within an inclusion model.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this webinar viewers will be able to:

  1. Describe regulations which govern provision of related services in the public schools.
  2. Identify several ways that sensory integration-based services may be provided in a school-based setting.
  3. Describe strategies for addressing sensory processing and praxis needs for children in inclusion school settings.

Course Level: Intermediate. There are no prerequisites for this course.

Suitable For: Occupational therapists, OT assistants, physical therapists, PT assistants and students, speech and language therapists.

Domain: Contexts
Process: Intervention

Contact Hours: This course is worth 1.5 contact hours or .15 AOTA CEUs.

Completion Requirements: To receive contact hours for this course you must listen to the recorded webinar in its entirety and complete the accompanying assessment.

About the Speaker: Jan Hollenbeck, OTD, OTR/L is the Coordinator of Related Services in a Massachusetts Public School District with a wide range of responsibilities including over-site of Occupational and Physical Therapy, Vision Services, Assistive Technology, Section 504 and Secondary Transition Programming. Dr. Hollenbeck is also a founding partner of PASS – Partnership for Advancement of School Service-Providers, providing professional development and consultation in areas that inform and empower related service providers and others to facilitate the success of children in educational settings. She has lectured extensively on school-based practice including Massachusetts Department of Education-sponsored summer institutes  “Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy in Educational Settings” and “Strategies for Students with Sensory Processing Disorder in Inclusive School Settings”. She is first author of “Guidelines for Provision of Occupational Therapy Services in Massachusetts Public Schools” (, a current member of the AOTA State Leaders in Education Work Group, and has served on the AOTA EI and Schools Special Interest Section Committee.

 ADA/Section 504: If you require special accommodations, please contact the Spiral Foundation at or (617) 969 – 4410 ext. 231.

Continuing Education:

Occupational Therapy Practitioners/ Occupational Therapy Assistants:  The Spiral Foundation is an Approved Provider of Continuing Education for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants by the American Occupational Therapy Association.  The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.



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