What is Sensory Integration?
Sensory integration is our ability to take in and utilize information from our senses to respond to the demands of our environment.
Sensory Processing
We receive sensory information constantly from our bodies and from our environment. Our brains must be able to organize this information effectively to allow us to function successfully in our day-to-day lives. This makes sensory integration a vital part of our nervous system functioning.
When we talk about ‘sensory information’ we are referring to the information we receive from our five ‘main’ senses – touch, sight, hearing, taste, and smell as well as two other ‘hidden senses’ known as proprioception, our sense of body awareness, and vestibular, our sense of movement and balance.
Gustatory & Olfactory
Our seven senses work together to make up the three major components of sensory processing: sensory modulation, sensory discrimination, and praxis.
Components of Sensory Processing
Sensory modulation is our ability to take in sensory information, decide what is relevant, and to make an appropriate behavioral response.
Sensory discrimination allows us to understand the specific qualities of sensory information. For example, the texture of an object or the direction of a sound.
Praxis, in the context of sensory integration, is the ability to conceptualize, plan, organize and sequence the steps of a motor task to adaptively meet environmental demands.
What is SPD?
Sensory integration, sensory discrimination, and sensory modulation are all a part of sensory processing. Sometimes the central nervous system is unable to manage sensory information effectively to the point of delaying foundational skills and interfering with an individual’s daily life; we call this condition Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD.
While ‘Sensory Processing Disorder’ is becoming the standard description for this condition in both medical and research circles, you may also see the terms Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID), Dysfunction in Sensory Integration (DSI), and Sensory Processing Dysfunction (SPD); all these terms refer to the same condition.
What does SPD look like?
One person, for example, may only have visual discrimination problems, while another person may have the same problem in addition to auditory modulation difficulties. Yet another person may have praxis difficulties as a result of visual processing problems, but may not otherwise have significant visual discrimination or modulation problems. SPD is often, but not always, comorbid with other diagnoses that present with sensory related problems, such as attention deficit/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, and various learning disabilities.
More information about Sensory Processing Disorder is available on the Spiral Foundation’s SPD Toolkit pages.
What causes SPD?
Pilot studies suggest a variety of factors that may lead to sensory integration problems later in life, including genetics, prematurity, birth trauma, and environmental factors, however there is no conclusive research in this area at this time. We just don’t know yet.
More information about Sensory Processing Disorder is available on the Spiral Foundation’s SPD Toolkit pages.
The citations below lead to a few articles, some of which are available for free, on some of the currently available research: