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Affiliate Program

Become a Spiral Foundation Research Affiliate

The Spiral Foundation is committed to expanding the body of research in sensory integration, and together we can make that happen! Our expert staff offers a wide range of research related activities to affiliates and partners, including:

  • Development of research plans and design of studies
  • Oversight and management of research projects
  • Provision of staff for implementation of research projects
  • Data analysis and consultation
  • Research article writing and publication submission
  • Consultation on writing articles and submitting for publication
  • Literature reviews and article searches
  • Provision of fidelity to Sensory Integration Intervention checks.

For a free consultation to discuss the desired project and the scope of the Spiral Foundation’s involvement, contact Teresa May-Benson at or call (617) 969-4410 ext. 240.

Current Affiliates

OTA Koomar Center

Development of the SAFE PLACE program for children with trauma and attachment concerns; development of the FOCUS Program for Mealtime Success; longitudinal study examining sensory patterns in adults with SPD.

Sacred Heart University

Dr. Heather Miller Kuhanek: Collaborative study examining praxis and play in children with ASD.

Sleep’n Sync

Investigation of the effectiveness of the Sleep’n Sync Flexibility I program.

Past Affiliates

Boston College Campus School

Wendy Drobnyk and Karen Rocco: Consultation and fidelity to Ayres Sensory Integration® ratings for a SI intervention study on children with Rett’s Syndrome.

Brandeis University

Dr. Paul Dizio: Collaboration on an NIH funded motor control study with children with autism.

Brandon School

Collaborative study examining the relationship of trauma and sensory processing in boys.

Boston University

Drs. Ellen Cohn and Simone Gill: Collaborative studies on parent’s perspectives of their children with SPD and the relation of sensory processing problems and obesity and birth weight.


Integrated Listening Systems (iLs)

Development and implementation of a multi-site single case series effectiveness study of iLs with children with autism; development and implementation of a practitioner perceived effectiveness study of iLs programs.

LADDERS/Bridgewater State University/Saint Louis Zoo

Drs. Margaret Bauman and Ellen Ingmanson, Ingrid Porten: Examination of sensory processing problems in captive chimpanzees, development and implementation of a sensory integration-based intervention study with a captive chimpanzee.


Sensory Integration Research Collaborative (SIRC)

Development of a fidelity to Ayres Sensory Integration Intervention® measure.

SPD Foundation

Drs. Lucy Miller and Sarah Schoen: Multi-site study examining the reliability and validity of Goal Attainment Scaling.

Therapeutic Systems/Vayu Vest

Study development and planning, consultation, literature review.


Tufts University

Student projects involving analysis of existing Spiral Foundation data on adults with SPD.


Virginia Commonwealth University

Dr. Shelly Lane: Doctoral projects involving analysis of existing Spiral foundation data on the relationship of coping and sensory processing disorder.


Wolf School

Lise Faulise: Research consultation and data analysis.

The Spiral Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and as such your donation is tax deductible.