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Adult/Adolescent Sensory History: Starter Pack


Includes User’s ManualScoring Program (PC-Microsoft Excel 2010, delivered via download), 5 Self-Report Questionnaires, 5 Caregiver Questionnaires, 5 Self-Report Supplements, 5 Medical History Supplements.


Includes User’s ManualScoring Program (PC-Microsoft Excel 2010, delivered via download), 5 Self-Report Questionnaires, 5 Caregiver Questionnaires, 5 Self-Report Supplements, 10 Medical History Supplements.

The complete Adult/Adolescent Sensory History demonstrates the following features:

  • A comprehensive standardized self-report questionnaire.
  • An alternative caregiver questionnaire for parents or other caregivers of adolescents or individuals with disabilities.
  • An abridged and simplified self-report supplement to the caregiver questionnaire for younger adolescents or individuals with disabilities who may not be able to complete the comprehensive self-report questionnaire.
  • A supplemental medical and developmental history form.
  • A comprehensive, standardized research-based scoring program for use with the comprehensive self-report questionnaire or caregiver questionnaire.
  • Numerous standardized subscores to assist with identifying discrete patterns of dysfunction in processing and integrating sensory information, which allows for clinical utility in treatment planning.


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